Open youth meeting

Open youth meeting


We are the youth club!

The Montelino youth center is an open space for children, teenagers and young adults between 12 and 27 years of age.

Our offers are aimed at young people who want to spend their free time in the youth club, and who are perhaps also looking for projects. Just have a look at our

Weekly schedule. When the weather is good we often go to the Volkspark. We make use of the opportunities there: disc golf, beach volleyball, soccer and much more, or we bring our equipment with us for archery, juggling, trampoline jumping and other activities. In addition to our offers, we are open to your wishes and offer you a framework to plan and implement your projects. During the school holidays we have many different offers: trips around Potsdam and as far as Berlin, various creative and exercise offers, or you may even have your own wishes for activities. Since the end of June we have also had girls' and boys' days at our youth center. These will take place as follows: On the second Tuesday of every month we are open only for girls and on the last Tuesday of every month only for boys.

If you would like to get to know us, then come over. We look forward to seeing you!


Website: www.


Instagram: @montelinojugendtreff

Telephone: 0331 /95 13 12 67

Mobile: 0176 / 46 19 48 47

Support offer

Part of our work is providing support and advice, also for parents:

● You are stressed or have problems and want to talk to someone about it.

● There is an argument at home and you need a space to get some distance?

● You have problems at school and need support.

● You have questions about important topics such as education, studies, drugs.

You can contact us at any time. We will take the time for a confidential conversation.

If you are looking for anonymous and free help, you can find contact persons here

various topics:

Crisis hotlines & contact points in emergencies | Federal family portal

If you would like to get to know us, then come over. We look forward to seeing you!

Graffiti-Wand, bunte Tags.
Graffiti-Wand, bunte Tags.

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