Tent Point Projects

Tent Point Projects

We have established partnerships with various schools in Potsdam. We have become a reliable partner in the schools' full-day and half-day programs. We supplement the school program with "Circus" working groups or "Circus in School Sports."

  • Project 1

    Eine Artistin zeigt eine Übung in der Luft am Tuch in der Turnhalle. Im Vordergrund sind Zuschaer*innen zu sehen.
    Describe the article or answer the question so that interested visitors to the site can find more information. You can emphasize this text with bullet points, italics or bold font, and add links.
  • Project 2

    Eine Trainierende übt mit dem Hulla-Hoop-Reifen in der Turnhalle.
    Describe the article or answer the question so that interested visitors to the site can find more information. You can emphasize this text with bullet points, italics or bold font, and add links.
  • Project 3

    Blauer Stern vor hellem Hintergrund.
    Describe the article or answer the question so that interested visitors to the site can find more information. You can emphasize this text with bullet points, italics or bold font, and add links.

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